
Monday, September 26, 2011

88/365: Pretty

For this round of Get Pushed, I was challenged by Karenoc11 to go way outside my comfort zone, and into the "pretty" zone.

Her challenge: Whilst you have "cute" in your steam I would like to see "pretty pretty pretty". It could be a pretty delicate piece of jewellery, a brides pretty hairstyle with a flower, a pretty lady in a pretty dress, lace or a collection of pretty items... The theme is endless and the choice is yours!

Oh man, this one was HARD! I spent four days just thinking of something pretty to photograph. Finally, inspiration hit, in the stream of my lovely pusher... "A bow... that's pretty" I said to myself. Then it hit me! What's prettier than a present? Nothing.

So, 30 minutes of set ups and trials and errors (and more errors) and I finally got a shot I was happy with. I showed it to Max, and he said "pretty". So I think this fits the challenge. What do you think, Karen?

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